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Is Your Mattress Causing Your Morning Migraines?

Headaches and migraines are awful. And the worst part is, much of the time it’s difficult to determine why your migraines happen and when they’ll come on. Many health problems can cause chronic migraines, but so can poor sleep. And, while poor sleep can also be caused by a number of health problems, it might also be caused by what you’re sleeping on. Is your mattress the culprit?

Let’s talk about the relationship between you, your migraines, your sleep, and your bed. Like usual, a custom mattress might just be the solution to your migraines if they’re caused by bad sleep:

The Relationship between Headaches & a Bad Mattress

So, here’s the thing: sleep and pain are inextricably linked. Poor sleep lowers your pain tolerance, and sleep, migraines and moods all use similar neurotransmitters to communicate in the brain. Once you’ve gotten yourself in a cycle of bad sleep, morning headaches, bad moods, and migraines, it’s hard to get out of. If you aren’t getting the right amount of REM, science says you’re way more likely to develop chronic migraines.

But before you go to WebMD and freak out about an illness you probably don’t have, consider where you’re sleeping and what you’re sleeping on. A bad mattress and/or subpar bed linens might be causing your sleep problems.

There are a few ways your mattress and bedding can mess with your sleep and contribute to migraines:

Your mattress is too old.

You should be switching your mattress out every 5 to 8 years. For some people, such as heavier people or co-sleeping families, even with a custom-made mattress, you might get a little less lifespan out of it. If you’re sleeping on a worn out mattress, sagging and wear can cause misalignments in your spine and neck each night. And one cause of headaches is a messed up neck!

Your mattress is dirty.

Even if you splurged on a super-nice, all-natural latex mattress with an organic cotton cover and matching bed linens, if you forgot the mattress protector, that thing is constantly collecting dust and dead cells. Which is gross. Sleeping in a bed full of allergens can mess with your sinuses, which both directly and indirectly contribute to headaches.

Your mattress is too soft.

There is definitely a limit to how pillowy-soft your bed should be. Much like a sagging mattress, the interrupted and uncomfortable sleep you get on a too-soft mattress can cause misalignments and inflammation that contributes to headaches and migraines.

Your mattress is too firm.

Wait – what? You read that right. Depending on what your sleep style is, you can also have a mattress that’s too firm, causing poor sleep and morning headaches. People who sleep on their sides want a firm mattress; it allows their spine to relax in a decently-aligned position, especially if you had a memory foam mattress made exactly to your desired firmness. But if you’re a back sleeper, a too-firm mattress can cause you to sleep in a position that’s not healthy or relaxing for your neck and spine. And then… well, you can guess where this is going.

Your sheets are made of poor-quality fabric.

There are two things that chintzy sheets can do to mess with your sleep. One – bed linens made of not-linen things like polyester and microfiber don’t breathe. Like, at all. Sleeping too hot can cause headaches. Two - these synthetic fabrics aren’t like high thread count natural cotton; they’re not kind to your skin. You might be having a mild allergic reaction to your sheets every single night. No wonder you’ve got migraines. Good news is there’s an easy solution – custom Egyptian cotton bedding.

Sleep Habits to Help Your Migraines

Once you’ve given your bed a custom makeover, there are a few other easy sleep hygiene habits that might make your migraines a thing of the past. And then we won’t have spent money on doctor’s bills and prescriptions we didn’t need. Seriously, you might be surprised what a bespoke bed and a few healthy habits can do for your sleep and headache health.

  1. Have a regular sleep schedule of 7 to 9 hours per night, and try not to stray from it.

  2. Keep your room very dark during sleep time so your body isn’t distracted from making melatonin.

  3. Don’t eat big meals before bedtime.

  4. Don’t have caffeine after 2pm.

  5. Exercise daily.

  6. Make the rest of your bedroom a sanctuary, too.

Prevent Migraines with a Mattress Custom Made for You

Sleep is our specialty; creating bespoke mattresses made-to-order is how we do our part to help us all sleep better at night. After all, there are tens of millions of people in the US who suffer from chronic headaches and migraines. How many might benefit from something as simple as a new mattress that’s tailor-made instead of mass-produced?

Whether it’s a bed for a van, a tractor trailer bed, a dorm mattress, or any other kind of sleep spot, let us help you make the most of your 8 hours. And while you’re at it, don’t forget the custom fit cotton sheets!


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